Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Eagle Globe and Anchor

This week has been filled with so many emotions. It was a tragic week -- I am deeply sad about the tragic events at Fort Hood. It's been a whirlwind week -- I'm overjoyed that my oldest son has completed his Marine Basic Training. It's been a standard week at our place -- the alternator went out on our only car (ugh). There is much joy, sadness, work and fun in a family of 7. One thing is absolutely certain - although slightly imperfect, life is not dull.

This morning at about 7am our DS#1 completed The Crucible and is now a Marine - or at least we pray that is what has happened. We will know some time during this coming week. I am so proud of him and so anxious to see him. He will have only 10 days liberty so we'll have to take advantage of every second. Please, if you are so moved, keep everyone in our Armed Services in your thoughts and prayers. These are brave men and women who sacrifice much for our country and the things we take for granted. They are sons and daughters, girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, friends and patriots.

I'm off for now. There is a JUGS challenge that looks quite intriguing I have just enough time before DS#4's baseball game. Besides, I need a thank you card. Bye.

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