Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Frightfully Good Time

Who doesn't love Halloween? Kids with too much candy, ridiculous costumes, parties. What's not to like? Last night we went to a fun Halloween party with some friends from church. Several families all got together for a pot luck and some crafts and activities for the kiddos. I was very ready to bail, but DH was not. That's unusual for us. Typically I love the party and he's ready to bail, but for whatever reason this time he was pushing me to go. So glad he did. We had a great time. Here are some pictures.

The tall one in the back is my DS#3. Baby Spice up front is his best friend. These are some of the greatest kids. I love spending time with them.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Family Time

This weekend #2 son was confirmed. For our family, this is a very big deal. He has spent many hours learning about our/his faith and attempting to grow closer to God. We are richly blessed. Here's a little pic of the boy and his Godparents, Aunt Sue and Uncle Tim.

Indulge me in what I think is a funny story. Our congregation typically has a professional photographer take some pictures of the Confirmands after the service. So one at a time each of the kids comes up for their individual shot. #2 son steps up and the photographer (who by the way is nearly fossilized) turns around and says to everyone in the room, "who belongs to this one?" Of course I say, I do and she says, "he needs to comb his hair, or I can fix it afterwards, it's up to you." I laughed. Apparently the faux-hawk isn't very Lutheran and is not suitable for confirmation photos. Needless to say, I told her that is how he wears his hair and that's what we'd like to remember. Well, the family had some fun with him about that.

I also made a little something this past week. Just a quick banner to hang near the front door. I've seen so many other pretty ones, and I had a bit of KIMemories bits and pieces around from a project last year, so I decided to use up a little of the stash. I think it came out cute and I'm motivated to make another one for fall as soon as Halloween is finished.

I hope your weekend has been filled with good family things and pretty things that make your heart happy. Enjoy the week to come.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Rapid Passing of Time

OMG, I sound just like my grandmother! Time sure does fly. Much has happened -- good and bad, big and small -- since I last posted. And that is good. Just fine and just as it should be, actually. We're barreling toward the holidays and the days and hours are whipping past at a completely frantic pace. But all is good. Soon we will celebrate the Confirmation of DS#2, head for Parris Island for Graduation, celebrate 8th and 53rd Birthdays and look to the joyful days of Christmas. And then it will be 2010. Goodness how time flies.

Plenty of fun has been had and lots of lovelies are in process. I think that's what I should name the blog - in process -- because nothing really seems to get finished. *sigh* Note to self: work on completion. But now it's late, so maybe tomorrow I'll work on completion. For now I will just settle for slightly imperfect *smile*