Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome 2010!

At long last, the Iron Man Challenge that was 2009 has come to a close. As you can likely tell, I'm not sad. It wasn't a terrible year, it was just really long and felt like a steady uphill climb. Still, despite the low lights, there have been some highlights and it's important to remember that my whole family is healthy and we're still speaking to each other.

I have a few simple wishes and goals for 2010. First, and definitely the most important of all is to relinquish control to God. I'm the kind of gal who likes to manage things myself and over the years I've come to believe that I can work through anything. 2009 taught me that I cannot manage EVERYTHING no matter how hard I work and no matter how determined I am. Next, I am going to make significant strides to get out of the red. 2009 didn't make that any better, but I have hope, and a plan, for 2010. And finally, I would like to make more of the moments I have. I will endeavor to show a little more love to my family and friends. I will endeavor to immerse myself in the things that make my heart happy. I will endeavor to share the Good News a little more often. I am a realist - I know that I'm still going to spend entirely too much time stressing over things that just don't matter when I could be smiling and laughing with my kids. But I hope to be able to catch myself and spend just a few more moments living fearlessly.

I'll get some pictures posted soon, and I am planning to post some information on a pretty fun game I put together for my middle school sunday school class. And I made so many Christmas gifts that I'd love to share. I'm about to get working on Valentine gifts as well, so over the next few days I hope to have a bit more to share.

I hope that you are looking forward to 2010 as much as I am and that you, too, will embrace the idea of living life fully and fearlessly.

Until next time...