Saturday, April 25, 2009


I'm going to play along, but not officially. Much, much work is needed on my blog and on my creations before I feel like doing that. But I do really like these colors and the flowers on that bag look like they actually might translate kind of nicely to paper interpretations. Stay tuned to see what I can create with my time.

Lookey what I did. I made a card inspired by the flowers on this pretty bag. Only a tiny bit of stamping as I'm still learning. But the color combination is very pretty and this will make a nice "Hi" card for a friend. What do you think?

Clearly I could be a better photographer. Note to self: work on photography a bit.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Feeling Joyful

You know, I've come to the conclusion that in general life is pretty joyful. Times are tough. There are lots of stresses and problems. But there are everyday joys. Big and little. Things like peanut butter cup cookies and little boys nick named Monkey Squirt. There are opportunities to share joy with others and create beautiful things. In fact, I think I'll go see what I can do to *beautiful* up this blog a little. You can always learn something - and that's fun.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Do you ever think...

that you're the only one with a completely messy life? You know the feeling, right? When you've been blog hopping and following all the practically perfect in every way, Mary Poppins, lives that other people lead. And you wonder - is it just me or is it completely impossible that everything is that fabulous all the time? Maybe it's because 5 kids between the ages of 19 and 7 create a lot of chaos. Maybe it's because I'm a perfectionist who's never satisfied. Nah. Nobody's life is that picture-perfect. Mine is slightly imperfect. That's OK. Who am I trying to impress anyway? It might be slightly imperfect (no happy little tea parties or cupcake baking joyfulness), but there are some great moments. And my best, dearest friends think it's great. So I'm good. Keep your practically perfect in every way day.